Fast and effective archiving of customer contracts

Contract signature archiving allows the automatic capturing of customer information from the finance check form. Now with the ability to immediately transfer handwritten data to head office, the financial consultant can immediately access the data to check for correctness. The costly manual post collection is omitted.


About Us

The Kreissparkasse Kaiserslautern is with more than 770 employees and a total assets of 3.9bn € one of the biggest Sparkassen in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Now with over 50 branches, Kreissparkasse Kaiserslautern covers the city as well as surrounding rural districts. As an established and trusted financial service provider, they are the market leader in Kaiserslautern and focused on providing the best consultative advise and assistant on all financial issues.


Driven by an internal project, several possibilies were investigated and considered on how best to optimise and shorten processes and consequently reduce administration costs. The basic approach was to reduce the number of signatures required as well as to archive the residual signature with the least amount of time and effort.


After the discussion of several possible solutions where few have been tested in small pilot studies. Kreissparkasse Kaiserslautern finally decided to hire the digipen technologies GmbH as well as the company Ventuno GmbH for piloting digital writing technologies. The objective being to improve workflow for signature archiving of contracts within the bank sector. Financial consultants wanted the capabiity to create and concluded financial agreements as usual on a laptop and prints only the customer copy.


  • Archiving without delay
  • As required by Civil Code, written form is satisfied
  • Usage in lending business is possible (drawing credit, etc.)
  • High acceptance, as pen and paper are a familiar medium
  • High security because of encrypted transmission
  • Savings in archiving and the destruction of contracts
  • Savings of paper, print and transport costs
  • Wide range applications beyond the signature handling